Active Health Sports Gel

I wanted to try out the new ACTIVE HEALTH SPORTS GEL but I wanted to try it in a brick training session as Im joining ULAH Tri United this month. I was planning on doing a 750m Swim, 20Km Bike, and 5Km run. but bad weather suddenly set in and I had to cut short the bike to 12km and the run 3km as it was already starting flood in our area. 

Trying out the new Active Health Sports Gel, Just before the 750m Swim, 12Km Bike, and 3Km Run Brick Training.

Trying out the new Active Health Sports Gel, Just before the 750m Swim, 12Km Bike, and 3Km Run Brick Training.

I wanted to try out the Active Health Sports Gel that if taken around 30 minutes before the run, I would like to observe if it was “hiyang” to it, so as that i wouldnt experience upset stomach or sudden increase in palpatations..etc.. as I am with other sports gel. For the record i use GU, Clif Gel and Clif Sports block,

Id have to take my hat off to Unilab for starting from scratch regarding the development of the Active Heatlh Sports Gel. If it was some other company, they would have just imported a formula, or had reversed engineering an existing product and tweak on it., but not Unilab.. they started from scratch and really developed it which according to Ms. Bianca (Brand Manager) , took 2 years to develop. Now that they have the finished product after numerous testing. It is now BFAD approved which is one of the highest quality standards in testing fit for commercial use.

Compared to other sports gel, the most evident difference from other sports gels which I totally like is its CONSISTENCY.. it is more syrupy than most. Taking other sports gels, I would have to drink water along with the gel so It wouldnt slime all over my throat. With the Active Sports Gel, it is more syrupy and it was easy to swallow.

The taste is good. It had just the right richness. I didnt have that sudden sugar overload that would shock my tastebuds.   For now the current flavor available is BERRY MIX.

Active Health Sports Gel contains more complex carbs as there is a 9:1 ratio of complex to simple carbs. It also contains the highest amount of maltodextrin(26g/43g sachet) as compared to other gels, which provides endurance athletes more of the longer-sustaining energy fuels. Complex carbohydrate maltodextrin is easy to digest in the stomach and easily absorbed in the intestine as quickly as glucose.

So now you have your Enervon Active vitamins to provide serious stamina for serious sports, Your Active Health Sports Gel during training or race, and your Enervon HP drink which is great for recovery.

The new Active Health Sports Gel

The new Active Health Sports Gel

So Im off to my 750m swim in moderate pace.  Of all the three events my favorite is swimming. Clearly check out my pics that im not built for speed in land!

Selfie under the water during my swim Photo courtesy of my training bud Mike Nera and Camera by Jimmy Ong

Selfie under the water during my swim Photo courtesy of my training bud Mike Nera and Camera by Jimmy Ong

I made the swimming pool by the clubhouse our transition area. So after the swim, I was off to bike. Before biking I was bent on doing 20km but bad weather and due to safety and flooding I was just down to 12km. But still I had my Active Health Sports Gel in my bike cockpit just in case it turned out to a long ride.

Active Health Sports Gel, cockpit ready and easy to tear away and chug away!

Active Health Sports Gel, cockpit ready and easy to tear away and chug away!

So the short bike ride didnt leave me tired as I would expect but I wanted to try the Active Health Sports Gel during the brick training session so I tried one, back to transition just before going off to do the run…

Trying out another Active Health Sports Gel in transition to Run. Still able to smile!

Trying out another Active Health Sports Gel in transition to Run. Still able to smile!

What was supposed to be a 5km run ended up in 3km as bad weather persisted and it was starting to flood in some streets. It was a good workout still and I was happy I was able to try out the Active Health Sports Gel in training.

The verdict.. a good product! I like the way it is syrupy in consistency and it has more carbs to fuel my training or race! I was able to sustain my stamina during my training and had my 2nd wind during the run!

The Active Health Sports Gel will debut at the Run United Philippine Marathon on Oct 6. I see myself still using the Active Health Sports Gel, not for the run, but to fuel my hosting which i expect to run from 12mn to 11am in the morning straight duty.. Ill see you at the finishline!

There are No Longer Excuses: MySuunto Ambit 2 Review

Suunto Ambit2s

Suunto Ambit2s

Are you in a training rut? Have you ever wondered how to effectively improved your workouts? One of the training mantras I shall never forget was told to me by Coach Michelle Estuar and I quote “Make every workout count. You should have a goal, each time you train”. That stuck to my head ever since. Even in leisurely runs I make it a point to work on my form, my leg turn over, my posture, my arm swing. Even more on training days in prepping for races.

Then another Coach Jedi master moment for me as I imagine Coach Ben Alacar say “Get out for your comfort zone, you need to push! push! push!” on the value of INTENSITY in your training.

Have you seen me personally? I actually look like the guy in charge of the buffet and far from a runner, but somehow over the years being with runners, running multisport and fitness coaches.. I am just immersed in the world of running,  people, specially those new to running ask me questions. One of the questions Im often asked is “How does one train to improve on running?”

Ill be discussing this in detail in another blog, but for now the general outline would be something like this.

I. Goal Setting – what are you short, medium, long term goals, speed? endurance? weight loss? find my soulmate in running?all of the above? what do you prioritize?

II. Training plan – Ensure that you have a written training plan and a LOG, logging is a great way of tracking your workouts and seeing your development.

III. Nutrition plan – Nagsalita na ang payat. So mamatay na ang nagtanong. Ok so im not the sexiest looking dude with authority to say this. But its not rocket science to figure out that that nutrition plays a big but neglected role in training. Im guilty of this (Clearly!), but I have to watch what I eat. It doesnt mean that if you can burn 3,000kcal a workout, you can binge on downing 5,000kcal of food. It does help to

III. Training & Race Day

A. Form

B. Base fitness training

C. Build

D. Taper

E. Race Day

F. Recovery

Id stop there.

So how does the Suunto Ambit 2S come in all of these? Pretty much everything! With the Suunto Ambit 2S I can now monitor my training and workout in detail. Monitoring your workouts, logging and tracking them, helps you achieve your race and fitness goals. You get to check if are able to stick to your training plan, if youre speed, stamina, strength is improving.

The new Ambit2 S is a light and sleek GPS watch for multisport athletes that packs all the features needed for cycling, running, swimming and multisport training. The GPS provides accurate pace, route navigation and tracking, while the heart rate monitor lets you train within your ideal zone.

Cycling: The new Suunto Ambit2 S will support power meters (ANT+) and offers various power measurement values and numerous options for in-depth analysis.

Swimming: The Ambit2 S also offers comprehensive swimming functionality, including pace and distance, automatic intervals, stroke rate and swimming time related to different pool lengths. The Ambit2 S will also learn to recognize your swimming style, which makes performance analysis easier.

Running: Runners benefit from highly accurate pace and distance thanks to FusedSpeed™, the Ambit’s accelerometer integrated GPS, as well as interval timer and autolaps for training.

Multisport Training: Users can switch between sports, making the Suunto Ambit2 S ideal for recording your multisport training or race.

Granted you have already set your Goal, be it a run, climb, swim, bike or for multi-sport.  First off is to set your current fitness benchmark. Say if your goal is to run a full marathon, you need a current benchmark. You dont need to test yourself by running 42km. You can run a simulated test to guage your expected 42km run.

Yasso 800s

The Yasso 800s is one of the known fitness guages in runs and help predict your race performance. Run 800 meters at your comfortable pace (lsd pace, 10km beyond pace) and do a 400 meter recovery jog. Repeat 9 times. So the Yasso 800s is a 10x 800 meters with 400meters (distance based, not timed based) jog, recovery run/walk in between. Take the average of the 800Meter runs and that would be the guage of how fast you will be able to run your 42km but in hours and minutes instead of minutes abd seconds.

In using the Suunto Ambit 2S, wear your heart rate monitor chest strap and watch, you just click on the menu, CHOOSE SPORT, which is RUNNING, its going to search for your heartrate, then search for GPS signal. Press start and you are good to go! Make sure that you press on LAP per every 800m and recovery interval to identify your pace later.

Below is a video I made on how easy it is to use this.


Personally for me, my goal will be to Race White Rock Triathlon on October 12 which is a roughly a 2km swim, 90km bike, and 21km run. I was so excited to use Suunto Ambit 2, so I did a sprint distance of 750m swim, 20km bike and a 5km run.

Stupid me, I wasnt able to depress the LAP button long enough to CHANGE SPORT. I should have watched this video first.


Tracking your workouts and training are important to gauge your development, and it all gets exciting once you plug-in your Suunto Ambit 2 to your computer.  Connecting the Ambit2 is simple as you clamp the data cable provided to watch, and connect it to your computer via any USB port.

Attaching the data cable to your Suunto Ambit2

Attaching the data cable to your Suunto Ambit2

Its best to have online connection, your system will then automatically search and install the Moveslink2 software via the internet. It will update the Moveslink software, and ask you to open a Movescount account. Fill in your personal bio data. If you have any recorded workouts saved in your watch it will automatically transfer the data and upload it to Movescount.

Moveslink interface when you connect the Suunto Ambit 2 to your computer

Moveslink interface when you connect the Suunto Ambit 2 to your computer

Lets go check out my workouts via Movescount. With the screenshot of the Movescount below. The interface is simply. With the initial menu flashed on screen as pictured. You have your summary of workouts. In some training plans, like in multi sport training, training plans in sprint, olympic, half, of full ironman distances are specified in number of hours duration and distance covered per week; which is what the movescount interface immediately shows. You have your DURATION, DISTANCE and CALORIES. Thats why its best to always don on your HEART RATE strap to monitor your HEART RATE to determine and level of intensity in your workouts.

For the DISTANCE and DURATION summaries. Each sport that you engage in is recorded.

MovesCount interface

MovesCount interface

So checking each sport in detail. Lets check out a sample run. Below is the MOVESCOUNT SCOREBOARD for a specific workout, in this case a RUN. One thing I like about the Suunto Ambit 2 during my run is that while running I look into my watch and the biggest display set is my pace per KM. As you know in running, in race plan strategies you get to monitor your run splits in units of pace or in this case, minutes per Km. So in terms of training and fitness you can guage that, at your current fitness level, this is how it feels to run a 5minute per km or a 10minute per km pace where in your intensity in via heart rate BPM is also recorded.

Lets examine my workout. Immediately my average pace is displayed. Not really proud of it, but hey we got to start somewhere. In this case Im currently at 9 minutes 55 seconds per KM for a 3km run. Here is where it gets interesting. Monitoring your training intensity. If you check out training plans provided to you (sourced by your coach or programs in the internet) .. TRAINING INTENSITY is provided via TRAINING ZONE. These are levels in minutes per training zone. You have Easy, Moderate, Hard, Very Hard, Max. So what does this say about my training? I lack in running fitness because it takes so much effort for me to run at a 9’55 min/km pace, 17minutes going hard and 7 minutes very hard at below average speed.  But then again thats my current running fitness. Now I know where to improve on. (someone is shouting weightloss in the backgound)

Another great detail here to consider is VO2 Max. Fitness can be measured by the volume of oxygen you can consume while exercising at your maximum capacity. VO2max is the maximum amount of oxygen in millilitres, one can use in one minute per kilogram of body weight. Those who are fit have higher VO2max values and can exercise more intensely than those who are not as well conditioned.  For running, at my age, the average is 40low end to 60hi-end ml/kg/min. My result in this workout gave me a 31ml/kg/min score which again tells me. In a sea of 40plus year old runners, Im at the low end, even below end of the spectrum (bell curve). In tagalog. Chikka pace lang sila, ikaw suka pace na.  Not sure kung patawa ito. But it is recommending that for my 3Km run 10hours daw recovery time ko grrr!

Run Summary

Run Summary

What is the VO2 max of elite athletes? (source:
Here is a sample of measured VO2 max for selected athletes.

Athlete Event VO2 Max
Bjorn Daehlie Cross country skier 90.0
Miguel Indurain Cyclist (winner of Tour de France) 88.0
John Ngugi 5 times world cross country champ 85.0
Dave Bedford 10km World Record holder 85.0
Steve Prefontaine 1 mile in 3:54.6 84.4
Lance Armstrong Cyclist (winner of Tour de France) 84.0
Joan Benoit Marathon runner (2:24:52) 78.6
Bill Rodgers Marathon runner (2:09:27) 78.5

Sebastian Coe Middle distance (1 mile WR) 77.0
Grete Waitz Marathon runner (WR 1980) 73.0
Frank Shorter Marathon runner 71.0
Derek Clayton Marathon runner (WR 1969) 69.7

Shet! ang layo ng 31ml/kg/min ko!

By checking out the MAP below, whats interesting is that there are points in RED in the map, where it shows where your intensity increased in our runs. So kung walang red, hindi ka intense! How I wish though that the ZOOM could be better down to 100meters above earth.  So good news to wives they can now check their husbands training kung talagang nag train or nasa mot mot lang ang training, may GPS na at intensity na. Matakot ka na pa nasa Mariposa naka checkin (tanga na pag nag Foursquare pa) at puro Red intensity ang heart rate.

Map of my run. Route indicated, clearly far from Mariposa or Sogo

Map of my run. Route indicated, clearly far from Mariposa or Sogo. Red Orange indicated shows intensity zones where I ran hardest.

If you wanna get all obsessive compulsive on your runs,  there is a detailed graph there. So even if youre not as fit as me, you can get a feel for what it feels for your training to monitored like an elite Russian or China Athlete whose whole life is dedicated to training. Each point in the graph details your performance.

Get that elite athlete feel and get precise data in each point of your workout.

Get that elite athlete feel and get precise data in each point of your workout.

Now not only can your wives check out where you have been spending time and spending all your energy, but also your coach. This is how Coach Andy Leuterio monitors his students improvement and training in triathlon. I was able to get a brief interview of him during the media launch of Suunto Ambit 2.


Finally! a watch that I can use in Swimming. The other watches Ive tried like the Polar RCX would need a GPS pod and unfortunately that one is not waterproof, so I couldnt use that in the swim. I tested the Suunto Both in INDOOR SWIMMING mode and OUTDOOR SWIMMING. I wouldnt recommend the outdoor swimming mode if youre just outdoors in a pool, the readings will get quite erratic, if you need to record your workout in an outdoor pool make sure you swim your next lap on the other lane so GPS tracking is better. The OUTDOOR SWIMMING mode is best used in linear if not truly outdoors, by that meaning, in open water beach or lake. The INDOOR SWIMMING is accurate, though Ive only used the freestyle. I havent TAUGHT other SWIM STYLES yet. But will definitely have to soon. I didnt bother to track my heart rate on the swim anymore. The good thing about the moves count data with the swim is that it shows the rate of strokes per minute. Sounds kinky but effective.

Your stroke rate can be measured in your swim along with your 100m pace

Your stroke rate can be measured in your swim along with your 100m pace

You can check more on the Swimming feature of Suunto Ambit 2 in this video.


I tested the cycling feature on my Roadbike and rode just around the village. The watch can actually sync on compatible cycling pod devices that measures cadence/wattage and include that in your stats as well. I just used the GPS function and heart rate. Based on the graphs, I didnt really ride hard, it was difficult to ride hard due to vehicular and pedestrian traffic in our village. Cant wait to ride  Bugarin, Jala Jala with my new Suunto Ambit 2.

Training Statistics and Map is a charm. Check varying degrees of intensity as well at any point in your ride.

Training Statistics and Map is a charm. Check varying degrees of intensity as well at any point in your ride.

You can check more on the Cycling feature of Suunto Ambit 2 in this video.


I was also able to catch Coach Ige Lopez who was able to test the Suunto Ambit on TNF 100. Trail Running 100 kms has its demands and he said that the Suunto Ambit totally delivered. Even in areas where there are trees and canopies, or if you chance yourself running through tunnels, the GPS can track and assume tracking in blind areas. Suunto Ambit 2’s has  outdoor functions such as route navigation, barometric information, altimeter with FusedAltiTM, 3D compass and other outdoor specific features.  Packed in a glass fiber reinforced casing with a battery life of up to 50 hours in GPS mode, the Ambit2 is the ultimate watch for serious adventurers, explorers and multisport athletes.

Here is Coach Ige Lopez take on the Suunto Ambit 2

Functions aside, and fashion sense in. Wearing the Suunto Ambit 2 is stylish. Its sleek design is classy. If you you opt for a Suunto Ambit 2 S you pictured below you can really radiate your style. You can wear a suit or barong, don your Suunto Ambit 2 and still look fine along with the event and occassion. Thats actually one of my dilemnas. I get to host events.I have no problems with sporting events but its the formal corporate events that Im concerned with, in which for some strange reason I would still need a stop watch or GPS functions at times. The Suunto Ambit 2 is just mighty fine.

Finally a multisport sportswatch thats Sleek Stylish ans Sexy

Finally a multisport sportswatch thats Sleek Stylish ans Sexy..Suunto Ambit 2


(L-R) Suunto Brand Ambassador, MultiSport Coach  Coach Andy Leuterio, Time Depot's Mascy Pineda,  Suunto Brand Ambassador and Elite triathlete, ultramarathoner Kesha Fule, Suunto Brand Ambassador Multisport Coach, Adventure multisport / elite trail runner Miguel Lopez

(L-R) Suunto Brand Ambassador, MultiSport Coach Coach Andy Leuterio, Time Depot’s Mascy Pineda, Suunto Brand Ambassador and Elite triathlete, ultramarathoner Kesha Fule, Suunto Brand Ambassador Multisport Coach, Adventure multisport / elite trail runner Miguel Lopez


This calls for a definite part2, and I guess in each fitness journey blog of mine, im gonna have to show my workouts for my accountability to ensure that I stick to my training and workout plans. I still havent tapped on my swimming or my role as a swim coach; and my cycling as well.

Do await my fitness journey blog on how a fat guy like me can hopefully make through White Rock Triathlon with my Suunto Ambit 2 in tow! There are definitely No Excuses! Train on! Rock the Road!

You can check out the Suunto Ambit 2 on a Time Depot nearest you:
Time Depot – SM City Masinag
UGF 116 SM City Masinag, Antipolo City
Phone: (02)655-6172
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – Shangri-la Plaza
Level 5 Shangri-La Plaza, Mandaluyong City
Phone: (02)477-3877
Mall Hours: 11:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – Robinsons Place Manila
Level 2, Rob. Place, Manila
Phone: (02)353-8079
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM City Manila
2/F SM City Manila
Phone: (02)353-8558
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM City San Lazaro
UGF 178 SM City San Lazaro, Manila
Phone: (02)554-0452
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – Lucky Chinatown Mall
2/F Lucky Chinatown Mall, Binondo Manila
Phone: (02)621-1328
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – Power Plant Mall
3/F Rockwell, Makati City
Phone: (02)659-6723
Mall Hours: 11:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – Festival SuperMall
Level 2 Festival SuperMall, Muntinlupa City
Phone: (02)556-3903
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM Mall of Asia
2/F Entertainment Mall, Pasay City
Phone: (02)556-0652
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 10:00PM

Time Depot – Eastwood Citywalk2
2/F Eastwood Citywalk2, Quezon City
Phone: (02)687-7838
Mall Hours: 12:00PM to 11:00PM

Time Depot – Robinsons Galleria
Level 3, Rob. Galleria, Quezon City
Phone: (02)477-4224
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM City Fairview
LG/F SM City Fairview, Quezon City
Phone: (02)355-7089
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM City Novaliches
G/F SM Ciy Novaliches, Quezon City
Phone: (02)442-6263
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – The Block
4/F North Edsa, Quezon City
Phone: (02)442-0069
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM City Baguio
3/F SM City Baguio
Phone: (074)424-3660
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM City Marilao
2/F SM City Marilao
Phone: (044) 815-6754
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM City Pampanga
G/F SM City Pampanga
Phone: (045)455-3318
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – MarqueeMall
2/F MarqueeMall, Angeles City
Phone: (045)304-0731
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM City Rosales
G/F SM City Rosales, Pangasinan
Phone: (075)653-3193
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – Harbor Point Mall
2/F Harbor Point Mall, Subic Bay Freeport Zone
Phone: (047) 250-2824
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM City Tarlac
UG/F SM City Tarlac
Phone: (045)606-0161
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM City Batangas
2/F SM City Batangas
Phone: (043)702-6393
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM City Dasmariñas
UG/F SM City Dasmariñas, Cavite
Phone: (046)484-8623
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM City Calamba
2/F SM City Calamba, Laguna
Phone: (049)530-0115
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM City Naga
Level 2, SM City Naga
Phone: (054)871-0038
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – Robinson Palawan
Level 2, Rob. Place, Palawan
Phone: (0923)746-9707
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM City Bacolod
2/F East Bridgeway, Bacolod City
Phone: (034)468-0127
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – Ayala North Point, Bacolod
Level 2, Ayala North Point, Bacolod City
Phone: (034)707-1022
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM City Cebu
2/L SM Northwing, Cebu City
Phone: (032)238-9565
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – Ayala Center Cebu
Level 3 Active Zone, Cebu City
Phone: (032) 520-6218
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – Robinsons Cagayan De Oro
Level 1, Rob Big R, Cagayan De Oro City
Phone: (088)852-1376

Time Depot – Centrio Cagayan de Oro
Level 2, Centrio Cagayan de Oro City
Phone: (088)323-2719
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – Centrio Cagayan de Oro
Level 2, Centrio Cagayan de Oro City
Phone: (088)323-2719
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – Abreeza Mall
2/F Abreeza Mall, Davao City
Phone: (082)321-9879
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – SM City Davao
G/F SM City Davao
Phone: (082)282-2642
Mall Hours: 10:00AM to 9:00PM

Time Depot – Robinsons Place Gensan
Level 1, Rob Place, General Santos City
Phone: (083)554-2256
Mall Hours: 9:30AM to 8:00PM

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ULTRASWIM for the benefit of CARA Welfare Philippines June 15 2013


On June 15, 2013 Hanna Sanchez will do the unthinkable. She will be swimming the whole day for 12 hours and target a distance of 22,500 meters. At first I thought 2.5Km ? which is doable for most …but then again I stand corrected..uh…its 22.5Km!  More than our 21km in running, she will be swimming. Thats a total of 900 laps in a 25 meter pool. What a challenge.

Hanna Sanchez is a writer, swim coach and a member of Endure Multisport. She would be totally against me posting this, being the humble person she is, but then again its free information in endure multisport site so its going to be my call to post her sports accomplishments (sorry hanna! but im sure readers wanna know =)

Sport Accomplishments –
  • 2012 RUPM
  • CDO-Dahilayan 56km Ultramarathon
  • QCIM 2009 & 2010 42k
  • Last Man Running Rogin E, 2nd place
  • 35th Milo Marathon Manila Elimination
  • International Swim Masters Series Philippines June 20-21, 20009
  • Yvone’s All Femal Aquathlon -1st place age grp
  • Animo Sprint Aquathlon – 2nd place age grp
  • Endure Blackberry Aquathlon 2011 1st place (Bold)
  • Ateneo Aquathlon 2011 – 2nd place age group
  • Animo Sprint Triathlon 2011-2nd place age group


  • 2012 Ironman 70.3 Cebu Relay – Swim Leg
  • 2012 Tri United 2 – Long Distance – 2nd place age grp
  • 2012 SubIT Sprint – 3rd place age grp
  • 2012 Pico de Loro Tri Invitational
  • 2012 Animo Sprint Triathlon – 2nd place
Coach Hanna Sanchez

Coach Hanna Sanchez

I was really curious how one prepares for this. Im a runner and a swimmer as well. But ofcourse ive done longer distances in running and the preparation and training for longer distances should be gradual and involves multiple muscle groups. What more in swimming? The Longest ive ever swam was 3.5km  and I was in my fitness peak. When we asked her what her training regimen was

“I just swim. Swim for as long as I can. This is my goal for the the event. To swim as far as I can with the given amount of time.”

 I was expecting more of technical training programs, but get to think of it, it do boils down to just spending time swimming and COMMITMENT. She is definitely committed to this!
As Ive shared my personal longest swim was 3.5km and one of my challenges even in training is WHAT TO THINK of while your swimming. As for me I just try to focus on my swim strokes, but im not that consistent, my mind would tend to wander off, to work , to music, to training, to my family, friends, food, anything under the sun really or on water..until I get totally lost. So when we asked her what she thinks of during her swim?

“hmm..Tricky part. I usually think of eating. haha. Kidding aside for this event, I will just think of all those animals that were not treated properly. Money is needed for what CARA does and I will not those animals down.”

When asked what made her want to do this, Hanna Replied..

“I am thinking of a way to support CARA’s endeavor but I do not think that I would last running the whole day. I want to do something that will signify my support to the organization. Since I am not reach and I cannot donate a lot of money, I thought of this event. I asked my friends to help me with organizing. CARA helped with the posters. I really want to help those animals that have been abused by people and abandoned by owners. They do not deserve to die or be on their own. They deserve another chance. They shouldn’t be maltreated. I want to do something about it with the help of CARA because they cannot protect themselves. My heart rips apart whenever I see animals that have been unintentionally hit by a car or drowned by people who do not know better. ”

This got me to look more into CARA Welfare Philippines. Upon checking their website, I found out that CARA was formed in the year 2000 by a dedicated group of animal lovers determined to help the plight of animals in the Philippines. They are a non-profit, non-government organization that receives no government funding and rely solely on private donations.

CARA Welfare Philippines Mission and Vision is as follows
Reduce pet overpopulation through our low cost spay/neuter clinic
To promote Trap/Neuter/Return
Provide veterinary consultations for low income pet owners/li>
Educate citizens, organizations & barangays about animal welfare and the rights of animals
Promote compassion for animals and responsible pet ownership
Prevent cruelty and abuse to animals
Provide caring and responsible homes for our members rescues through our adoption program


Hope you guys get to find it in your hearts to support this cause as well and pledge financial support for the benefit of CARA Welfare for the animals. Donations will go to the care of animals.

The ultra swim event will happen at YMCA Binondo on June 15, from 7am to 8pm. Interested people can either donate any fixed amount or pledge per lap (at least a peso per lap).

First they need to fill up the pledge form (

Second, deposit their donations on the following bank accounts of CARA:

Philippine Peso (PHP)
Account # 3191-0467-05
CARA Welfare Philippines
Bank of the Philippine Islands
Atrium Branch, Makati City

Dollar (USD)
Account # 3124-0417-66Swift # bopiphmm
CARA Welfare Philippines,Bank of the Philippine Islands,
Atrium Branch, Makati City

Last step would be to email the pledge form, along with the deposit slip to

For questions and complete event details, they can visit CARA’s Facebook event page:

They can also visit Hanna’s Facebook page and profile at Team Endure’s website:

So again, hope you guys get to find it in your hearts to support this cause as well and pledge financial support for the benefit of CARA Welfare for the animals. Donations will go to the care of animals.

Lypo-spheric Vitamin C



Wifey had me take this.

“I asked what is it?”

“Its vitamin C”

“Id rather take my usual multivitamin as long as its tablet.. this one is ..uh .. mushy”

“Sige na.. its good for you…” she then downs hers and teaches me how to take it.

“Put it under your tongue..ngayk…zchiz..chlchlchclrrr … ” I couldnt type in words what the sound was but read aloud

and youll get the hang of it.

So I eventually follow.. GEEZ!!!! and I shit you not!!! this thing tastes AWFUL!!!!!  From a guy who eats anything!!!
This thing is like a 9 out of 10 in my taste like shit meter..a 10 out of 10 must be shit (not that I tasted)

hmmm.. how do I describe it..  Its like the consistency of those energy gels, no.. more like the syrupy fillings of chocolates.. its like orange filled Lindt candy but then again its panis.

Anyway .. its suppose to make you feel better, well improve immune system or whatever vitamin C is suppose to do ..but time 10 times so many pa.

Im the last person to talk technical about I searched on it and this is what I got.. (see article below)


Must Buy if: youre a runner/ active lifestyle person, suddenly youve got colds and you trained months for a race and by chance youre rushing to get well. Youd down anything regardless of taste just for any improvement on health / performance

Dont buy. if youre loyal to your multivitamin, vitamin c brand. If youre kuripot. If taste is king over health benefits.

Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C is the first choice of people who really understand bioavailability and the importance of high-dose vitamin C. Right out of the gate all other forms of vitamin C rapidly crash into an absorption barrier that vastly limits the level of vitamin C that can enter the bloodstream… and the vitamin C that doesn’t get absorbed, gets flushed. (Important note: all the vitamin C in your food is just as restricted by this absorption barrier.)

In stark contrast, the “Smart” Lyposomal Nano-spheres® that encapsulate Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C gently slip across the intestinal wall and into the blood. That’s because they are able to completely bypass a very restrictive nutrient transport system that radically limits the bioavailability of all non-liposome encapsulated forms of vitamin C. A recent clinical trial by world-renowned vitamin C expert and pharmacologist, Steve Hickey, PhD, shows that Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C is able to produce serum levels of vitamin C nearly double those thought theoretically possible with any oral form of vitamin C. This astounding level of bioavailability not only dramatically increases the amount of vitamin C in the blood, but recent thermographic microscopy provides visible evidence that it also aids its entry into individual cells.

Try it and you’ll see and feel superior delivery and enhanced results for yourself — guaranteed!

Squeeze the contents of one packet into your favorite juice or other cool beverage. It’s easy to swallow. Within minutes millions of “Smart” Lyposomal Nano-Spheres® loaded with vitamin C will move into your bloodstream and then into your cells. Once there, the “essential” phospholipids and the vitamin C will be unleashed to perform their powerful work!

Each 0.2 oz. packet of Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C contains 1,000 mg of vitamin C and 1,000 mg of “essential” phospholipids. It’s the most bio-available, easy-to-swallow vitamin C supplement on the market.

Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C – Numerous Positive Effects:

  • Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C is a powerful Antioxidant with extraordinary benefits
  • Provide rapid and positive impact on CARDIOVASCULAR FUNCTION (C.V.)
  • Help to prevent impaired liver function linked to excessive fatigue, accelerated aging, weight problems, impaired immunity.
  • Increase metabolism, endurance, energy and stamina.
  • Help the body form the protein COLLAGEN that builds bone structure, cartilage and blood vessels.
  • Help to decrease cholesterol and lead toxicity.
  • Help to INCREASE LONGEVITY and overall immune system.
What Experts Are Saying…
“Comparing the bioavailability of all other oral vitamin C delivery with your oral liposomal delivery is like comparing a squirt gun to a fire hose. Not only am I convinced that the efficacy of Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C far surpasses any traditional oral vitamin C supplement, but my recent personal experience with it suggests that it may sometimes be better than IV injection.”

Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
Author of Primal Panacea


My 2012 Tri United Experience Sprint 1Km Swim 30Km Bike 7km Run

Id like to wish all the participants racing this March 10, 2013 Unilab Active Health Tri United the best of luck. Sadly I wont be able to join as I have an event to host at the same date. Looking back, I just want to share my Tri United 1 experiece last 2012 in Laiya. But mind you based on the website at UNILABACTIVE HEALTH the venue for TRI UNITED 1 is at Subic.

arriving near the transition area

arriving near the transition area

Practicing my bike transition as I arrive near the transition area. I still have time to prep up my bike. Coach Cris Supremo de la Cruz was also with me. He did the swim relay a day earlier.

Getting some help from coach tweaking the bike

Getting some help from coach tweaking the bike


For TRI UNITED in Laiya, if you are far from race site you may have to bring the car than ride to race site. Make sure you plan ahead giving time for bike prep. Make sure that when you attached the wheels, it is all aligned, brakes, clippers, chains and mechanics functioning well. If you need to disassemble seat post make sure you have markers. By the end of the bike prep your bike should be fit for you.

Posing with my road bike converted for tri

Posing with my road bike converted for tri

I didnt have a tri frame bike during the Tri United1  race so I had to make do with some modifications. Whats the difference between a tri and a road bike? its basically the seat post angle which gives you a more agressive riding position, which lets you activate other muscle groups needed for the run. It activates  the glutes more and rests the quads more on the much needed run to follow. I got an Profile Design forward post to compensate for the straight seatpost giving me an inch to 2inches forward angle. I also placed a Profile Design clip on aero bar.

Kinakabahan na ako

Kinakabahan na ako

The serious Oh shit what did I get myself into look was brought by the fact that Im doing something new at the race which is a big no no. Its common racing sense to just go what you practiced, what your usual nutrition and food intake is and no new gear your are just about to try in the race. It was my first time to ride on an FSA forward sea post. I wasnt able to ride more than 5km on it yet.

Transition area

Transition area


And Im off to my transition area. I make sure that everything is on the checklist.  Make sure that the stuff is prepared and laid out well in accordance to swim, bike, run leg.

For my swim I make sure that I brought the following

1 I am body marked

2) Brought my goggles

3) Brought my issued cap which is mandatory to be worn for safety reasons ( so marshals on kayaks can see you)

4) slippers/shoes on my jog/ run after the swim from the beach to transition 1. Just playing safe I wouldnt want to injure myself on splinters, sharp rocks, etc

5) watch w heart rate monitor

Transition from swim to bike

6) a Gallon of Water, for washing the feet, face/head. If you come from salt water the salt gets to stay on the skin and drizzle to your eyes which can be very uncomfortable when youre on the bike. you wouldnt want sand on your feet ether so the wash water really helps

7) power gel shot

8) race bib on race belt turned and worn at the back so marshals can see your number, it is reverted back to front later at the run

9)  Drinking water left at transition area

10) Gatorade/ pocari sweat on bike water bottle brought on the bike leg

11) HELMET! no helmet no ride

12) shades which serves as protective eyewear too

13) bike shoes, cleats

14) mini toolset

15) extra tire

Transition bike to run

16) Power gel shot

17) socks rolled so its easy to slip on ( I use socks, others dont)

18) running shoes, preferred if you have boa ties, no need to tie shoe laces

19) cap


Park your slippers you will use on your run back to t1 where its visible

Around 20 minute prior to gun start  I already go to the water and try to get acclimatized. This is the time to be focused and not be intimidated by other triathletes as everyone starts to position themselves at the starting line. I do some swim strokes good for around 50 meters to acclimatize myself  with the water temperature, bouyancy and get acquanted with water visibility clarity or cloudyness.

Check out my warm up swim video here


Its best to position yourself depending on your swim split. If you have a faster than average swim split position yourself at the front. If not just stay at the back. Lessons learned from previous tri races, is that I would be humble and position myself at the back. I would say im an above average swimmer.  The problem there is that its extremely difficult to overtake slow swimmers ahead of you.  IF your comfortable makipag brasuhan sa tubig, stay inner lane, KEEP CALM,  WAG MAPIKON, getting hit on the face, kicked on the goggles, pulled, etc. . is part of it. If it may seem deliberate, its not, or at least think its not. If youre not comfortable with the limb frenzy stay outer lane.

I teach swimming, thats why some people call me coach boy coz im their swim coach. Labo noh… swim coach pero running host. Whatever.

I position myself at the 3nd row, Im confident im able to cope up with the lead pack for at least 400meters.  At gunstart, Run towards the water, when you feel the water near knee deep you actually thrust yourself forward and start swimming. Cant really share some swim secrets but if youre keen on watching the warm up swim video youll be surprised that the technique I use (taught by coach eric imperio tri dogs) gets you from shore to 25meters in less than 20  seconds

Check out the high intensity gun start video here

You will see that even high level triathletes try to wade and run through the water, which I think is better to lounge in and swim.
RELAX RELAX RELAX…keep calm ..this is the craziest part of the race, you will feel racers behind you try to grab your feet. Just do your thing. Focus on your own stroke. DRAFT.  Thats why in my classes, for those tri-ing, we simulate gun starts, feeling comfortable during swim roughing up and balyahan and drafting on the swim.  There are optimum placement on where you should be where you draft and there are worst areas as well. Make sure youre on the right area.

At about 50 meters, you notice the water is deep, and if clarity is good you can see how deep you are and see the bottom sea floor. At the start, that really scared the shit out of me. Visions of sharks and jaws coming out of nowhere begin to fill your head. Here is a comforting thought when that image flashes, just think that the sharks are after the rest of the participants and not you. At about 200 meters, the swimmers have must be in their swim equilibrium. That is, relaxed swim, good pace, good rhythm and you have found your pace place. Pace place is the term i use where youre in your optimum pace an stroke and no longer overtaking or being a nuisance to faster swimmers. You are with your fellow swimmers of the same pace.

I hope you breath on your left and right, as this helps in stroke symmetry and swim stroke path. This is open water, not a pool, waves and bouyancy come into play.  Be sure to SIGHT and Navigate. By SIGHT, meaning you should learn to quickly peep and see where you are going. If you depend on the person you may be drafting with , youll be dependent on his navigation which sometimes is just ofcourse.


Bouy turns are exciting as well. Be careful not to be caught in the rope. Most do a breaststroke at this point, mind the effective indiscriminate kicking. Get back to your pace place and swim rhythm soonest.


After loop 1

After loop 1 in the swim.  This TYR Goggles is a good investment and more than 7 years old. I try to clear the fog out


There are no worse assholes in world to me, worse than triathletes who try to overtake you on the swim, realizing that overtaking took toll on the energy used, he is now tired and slows down, worse, does a breastroke with frog kicks, indiscriminate kicking follows. Assholes , you know who you are.
After the 1st loop, take in some water and gargle, then hydrate a shot. Get back  into the water.

Make sure you do your required number of loops, depending on the race distance. Some have 2, 3 or four loops. Make sure you count yours

When youre done make sue youve accomplished the required number of loops. Press lap split on your watch once you step on timing mat. Get on with the parked slip on and run to T1 Transition 1

SWIM SPLIT: 27:10 Im quite happy But I know I can do better

Run from swim to T1. For a biggie like me, its a great feeling your not last.. yet

Run from swim to T1. For a biggie like me, its a great feeling your not last.. yet. I made it a point I had shoes/ slippers after the swim on the way to T1.

Flashing a smile. Happy that Im not the last on the swim

Flashing a smile. Happy that Im not the last on the swim


Some races have shower spray on the way to T1, if there is, try to get the salt and sand of your body, and pass by the shower spray. If there is none. Thats where the gallon wash water gets handy. Wash sand off your feet. I personally do a gel shot, hydrate and off to the bike. You dont ride immediately, There are permissable bike mount areas.

Transition split: 2:48 Im quite happy with my transition time, its not like before that It takes me around 4:00


For some, they hit it hard at the start to build  momentum immediately. For me, I dont really expect to place, but I started off with an easy spin and build my way up. True to my prediction, no surprises, never do anything new on the race, the bike fit of the newly installed seat post is okay. The problem is that the angle makes you literally sit and bring your weight down on your balls. I havent gotten an ADAMO seat yet (which has comfy betlog perforations and shutes) so it was really uncomfotable for me during my ride.

581085_2046006885205_209427328_n 318290_371085329599734_1083549425_n

This is near the turnaround loop, every U turn I make it a point to uncleat

This is near the turnaround loop, every U turn I make it a point to uncleat

Be sure to count the loops you have accomplished and check your cyclo comuputer against the mileage.  No one can discount the fact that knowing your bike course ahead of time is an advantage. You can already map out your plan of attack as regard to gearing, etc.  The bike course in laiya is great, straight all the way with rolling hills. There are some false gradation meaning you think its going down but its actually going up. Be careful during turn around points as the momentum you get from the straights may lead you to overshoot or lose control, the turn was just as wide as the street. Careful for those specially on cleats.

BIKE SPLIT: 1:14 for a 30km bike ride. Not too happy with the timeI was gunning for sub 1:00 but the seat was just killing me. Its a good thing I already have 2 kids. I dont mind shooting blanks after this.


Arriving from bike leg.. Oh no! theres so many bikes on the rack! Lagging behind on my run

Arriving from bike leg.. Oh no! theres so many bikes on the rack! Lagging behind on my run

Being a safety freak, I  couldnt careless about time but I do make it a point that during transitions and turns, I slow down and look all around. I witness a horrific accident in one of the tri races and its usually dangerous in intersections, transitions and turnaround points. When I arrive at T2, I realize Im lagging behind to my run and I see so many bikes on the bike racks.. most participants are already on the run. Whatever lead I got from the others on my swim was lost on my slow bike ride.

I make it a point I get a shot of power gel and hydrate again prior to the run

Transition 2 Split: 3:06 dismount area is far from my rack and I took some time changing into my running shoes. Chill Chill pa sa T2.

This is where push comes to shove. By this time, I could still conjure up some strength on my run, but im really exhausted. Its demotivating to know that you are just about to start your run and people are finishing already.  The bad thing about the Laiya run route for slow guys like me , is that its a straight course, and I get to see everyone about to finish on their second loop while im still starting on my first.  Thanks for those that cheered me on the run, elite tri athlete, Rayzon Galdonez, my swim coach in high school Polo Tri Albert Altura, and several teams.

Thanks to coach Roel Ambao Ano for taking care of me at hydration, the ice really helped me cool off.

Thanks to Team Crystal Clear hydration for a refrshing hydration pit stop

Thanks to Team Crystal Clear hydration for a refrshing hydration pit stop

It does help getting to know the marshals! I enjoy my hydration stops with friends / marshals.

There are local spectators at Laiya, some cheer you, some give cat calls, kids run with you, all in all its a great experience.

I know I could have ran faster, the heat was just getting to me.

RUN SPLIT : 1:00:00 I was targetting at most 50 for a 7km run.

And I run to the finish!!! finally!

My final time 2:47:19 1km swim 30km bike 7km run

My final time 2:47:19 1km swim 30km bike 7km run

Fitness Journey: My best 100m swim in recent years


Thanks to Toni Infante Gancia for the photo! Taken summer 2012 my stroke form improved. My lead arm stroke on sweet spot is now at a more comfortable effortless angle below my head which helps raise my hips

After getting to swim with my students I noticed that they have been getting fitter and faster! My greatest swim teaching achievement is improving Coach Cris “supremo” Dela Cruz of ANR Ortigas / Hunyango / CB..  in roughly a month from not being able to swim 1km straight, he could swim a decent 23 minutes for 1km swim. Another achievement for me is Without Limits Race Director and former national team athlete Ian Alacar. In our recent swims I could not keep up with his sub-2min 100m. For me, swimming is a lifeskill that everyone should learn. Its fun, good exercise and one way or the other you will go to the beach or a pool at some point in your life. Teaching Ian’s Mom or mommy alacar (who happens to be one of the best cooks ever!) is also one of my achievements, for now she couldnt do freestyle strokes with breathing but her sweet spot and switch drills are pretty decent enough to reach multiples of 25m laps. And that is why Without Limits started calling me Coach Boy… its not really in running but in swimming.

For those beginner to intermediate swimmers who havent been swimming and would like to get into a swim program for a multisport event. This is a sample Base 1 program

Warm up 500m jog around pool / park area

Loosening exercises as inspired by Coach Joseph Pagulayan of KinetIQ fitness and Athletics. In one of our conversations, I was struck by the concept of  “linkages” and “functional exercises”. Some exercises can be sport or activity specific, what is important is you warm up / loosen / stretch and prepare different muscle groups that will be involved in the sporting activity. So I came up with the following for this program:

Neck rotations.

Shoulder rotations (large)


Arm swings (Large and farce) forward and back

Hip rotations

Trunk Twists

Jumping jacks

ankle rotations

calf stretches

knee rotations

leg swings


worlds greatest stretch

leg swings

on a bench .. leg kicks simulating kicking on water, activating abs

on a bench .. nakadapa kicks simulating kicking on water activating abs and lower back


On to the swim workout BASE 1

2 x 100m warm-up (2:33 / 2:35 im posting my personal time for logging and recording purposes for my personal training). Purpose of this exercise is to warm up and loosen in the water, followed by checking ones form. 30 secs rest in between. Exrtemely relax Effort 4/ 10

2 x 100m sweet   spot and form drills (3:03 / 3:10 ). lead arm at sweet spot as well. kick w/fins. Purpose of this excercise is to focus on balance in water. Using the chest as bouy, head tipping and balancing to raise hips on water. Focus on keeping proper head alignment on water and not looking up (dipping lower body) to breathe. Relax effort4- 5/10  1 minute rest in between

1 x 100m leg kicks  drills w / fins. form is sweet spot with leading arm. Focus on kick form and lower body conditioning. Lower ab activation, concerted whipping motion from hips to knees to ankles. Moderate effort 6-7 /10  1 minute rest in between

1 x 100m leg kicks drills w/ o fins  form is sweet spot with leading arm. Moderate effort 6-7 /10  1 minute rest in between

2 x 100m switch drills. Focus on over-all form, balance, head alignment when breathing, stroke frequency.Moderate effort 7-8 /10 1 minute rest in between

2 x 100m arms only strokes.  (2:22 / 2:23 ) Feet w/ pull bouy or fins (slight kick to elevate lower body).  Focus on arm stroke, high catch, power follow thru and upper body conditioning. Moderate effort 7-8 /10 1 minute rest in between

rest till fresh ( 3 to 5 minutes) loosen up, hydrate  then proceed

2 x 100m sprint  swim (1:45 / 1:48) focus on form and power.  rest till fresh ( 3 to 5 minutes) loosen up in between. Intense effort 10/10

6 x 50m regular swim. focus on form, conditioning. rest 1 minute in between

2 x 100 cool down swim.  relax effor 4/10

body weight pool lifts at side of the pool. half body in the water, try to pull yourself up, 20 reps. focus on triceps and shoulders

Really happy over the fact that I was able to pull off a 1:45 which i havent done in recent years.. last I think was when I was in prime shape for 2005 in my first Tri in Subit.

Now my next challenge is if only I could keep it at sub-2mins x 15. Im thinking my current cruising  strokes would give a time of 2:18 at 7-8/10 above average effort which I could sustain for a 1.5km to 2km swim.

Ill be sharing swim technique specifics next time. So far Im just happy I can keep up with my students